About a week ago, I had the pleasure of sewing for an afternoon with the lovely and very literate Alison Broverman of the National Post. Alison writes a column for the Post called Standing Engagement that covers anything and everything awesome in Toronto - from the Brickworks to indoor volleyball to home canning classes at Good Egg. So I was really stoked to have her at The Make Den for a few hours for a Halloween Sewing Class! We stitched up my favorite beginner pattern, my Lady Gaga jacket with huge pleated sleeves (which never fail to make me laugh when they get sewn up, by the way). I love showing beginners how to sew up that jacket because it looks totally unlike anything you'd expect to see in an intro to sewing class. Here's a quote from the article:
"After just a few hours in The Make Den, unlikely things occur. Sewing machine phobia melts away. Oven-mitt liner is transformed into a wild glam-rock blazer. Hemming is much simpler than you remember it.
The Make Den is seamstress, designer and teacher Irene Stickney’s Bloor West sewing studio, a sunny room above clothing store 69 Vintage near Bloor and Dufferin. The studio’s large windows look out on to a greenery-draped deck, and the shelves and cupboards are crammed with fabric, accessories and clothes-in-progress. A row of sewing machines against the wall gleam with sartorial promise."
You can read the rest here.
nice work lady!
so so good Irene!
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