
Friday, September 23, 2011


So DNS is currently coastal in the USA. With Big Red & Meg-O in the big apple, Namtron & I were just in Portland, OR.... and instantly fell in love. From Biketobeerfest at HUB Brewery, to actually running into Carrie Brownstein (HA), to Zoobomb. Oh man. Zoobomb.

Zoobombing is officially the new favourite sport of the Nightshades (forget polo - although East Van’s Medal to the Pedal was quite fun). Imagine riding transit inside of a mountain with your bike (the weirder the better, or a pile of mini bikes are available for anyone who failed to bring their own). Then ascending in an elevator to a park high above the city, where you arrive at the Portland Zoo, and proceed to trek to an undisclosed location in the middle of that lush pitch black park. Once there you make a ton of new friends, hang around for a while, thennnn....

....BOMB EN MASSE THE BEST HILL OF YOUR LIFE. It’s a neverending stream of blinking red tail lights, yelling, unlit switch backs through Washington Park, the surrounding neighbourhoods, and back into the downtown - where you hop back on transit and do it all over again.


We also witnessed the first night of Zooprom - where this is done in party dresses.

Dear Portland - You were exactly what we expected you to be, and way way better. (maybe minus that weird mime clown who executed an awkward acrobatics routine to a remix of Rammstein. Not okay Portland, not okay....)


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