
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Woah there NYC


There was a few other bike crews out and about, I had fun watching the Grime boys and their antics on Instagram.

It seems many cyclists can be considered daredevils and trill seekers, many want to live life to it's fullest and experience the world as it is- not through protective glass. There is something about biking that gives you a confidence and an ability to not be afraid of using your own body, of doing something a bit daring, to trust in your own self and to the world is not as dangerous as it seems.

Other cool NYC bike things- Times Up is powering everything from cell phones to coffee machines with bikes. 

On the twitterverse, so many 140 character thoughts about the future of infrastructure will soon be turning into papers, lecture topics, design measurement and government policy. If climate change means more extreme weather, then we need infrastructure to reflect this. I had a friend from lower Manhattan email me asking if "What was going on with the Oyster Creek power plant- are they telling us the truth?" Then there is the giant oil spill in NJ.

Also, anyone out there heae that on the 27th BC got a 7.7 Earthquake? Thankfully the resulting Tsunami was small and in a remote location, but imagine if we had dozens and dozens of oil tankers to China in the area? The big one is still supposed to happen here in BC, and who knows what extreme weather the future has for us in store. So please, no tankers. The Dogwood Initiative has some great insight here. Fill up your brains, cause...

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