J A N U A R Y .
F E B U A R Y .
M A R C H .
A P R I L .
M A Y .
J U N E .
J U L Y .
A U G U S T .
S E P T E M B E R .
O C T O B E R .
N O V E M B E R .
D E C E M B E R .
ONCE BITTEN - Part One from WHO BY FIRE on Vimeo.
ONCE BITTEN - Part Three from WHO BY FIRE on Vimeo.
"After just a few hours in The Make Den, unlikely things occur. Sewing machine phobia melts away. Oven-mitt liner is transformed into a wild glam-rock blazer. Hemming is much simpler than you remember it.
The Make Den is seamstress, designer and teacher Irene Stickney’s Bloor West sewing studio, a sunny room above clothing store 69 Vintage near Bloor and Dufferin. The studio’s large windows look out on to a greenery-draped deck, and the shelves and cupboards are crammed with fabric, accessories and clothes-in-progress. A row of sewing machines against the wall gleam with sartorial promise."