Sunday, December 25, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011

So as always, finally developed my film from New York. This time around I decided to only shoot black & white - which felt fitting for some reason (that, & it was generously provided free from the depths of our buddy Nate's freezer).

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011
Make (Den) it for your Mate with the Deadly Nightshades!

Finally, one of the Nightshades is teaching a workshop at The Make Den! I am SO excited to be collaborating with Big Red for an awesome Valentines workshop series happening in January/February. We are going to be making adorable, matching DIY accessory kits - the BEST handmade Valentines Day gifts ever! Wallet-Making, Lined Leather Laptop Covers, Lined Make-up Cases (which also double as awesome shaving kits), Beer Cozies, and Handmade Bowties! Make it green by using recycled leather pants, old denim, unloved leather jackets or vintage wool. Then decorate with applique or reverse applique and Voila! Your status as a DIY Queen is undeniable once you've got these beauties under your belt.
Here's how it works: All through January and February, you can take an accessories class every Friday from 1-4pm or 1-5pm.
Make one, or make all 5! Receive a 10% discount if you sign up for more than 3 classes. Beginners are welcome.
To register, email
Jan 13th,
Laptop Covers
Jan 20th
Make Up Case (or Shaving Kit)
Jan 27th
Beer Cozies
Feb 3rd
Leather Bowties
Feb 10th
Friday, December 16, 2011
Christmas Music
My last day in NYC was amazing. The highlight was Cranksgiving. It was a beautiful, sunny, fluffy cloud, perfect temperature day. Big Red was sick, so I showed up to do the ride anticipating I'd see people I knew to partner up with, as riding your bike is always the funnest in groups. Most of the NYC polo peeps that I know were in Richmond and I knew about no one, so I grabbed my package (rider #123, pretty sweet, eh?) and prepared to go solo.
My first checkpoint/grocery store I was adopted by these rad guys:

The New York bike scene is populated by some pretty neato people, Cranksgiving brought out the best of them. Riding all over Manhattan on that beautiful day with these guys, then the Chrome after-party, then the Red Lantern after-after party, then the Wreck Room after-after-after party was the best last day in NYC I could have asked for. Thank you to all who made it special.
So, Andy Chrsitopher is on my right, and Kevin LaVerdiere is after that. Andy runs Fake Money out of BK, and they just put out some Christmas Music. It's amazing, but a sense of humour and parental advisory are strongly advised.
And to go along with our McKenzie brother Chrome contest win, it's Bob and Doug's 12 days of Christmas.
Happy Holidays Errrybody!!!!
So, like, we're the winners, eh?

And I kind of can't believe it! Although we did pull together an awesome last minute photoshoot last week. In about 24hrs we somehow managed to find lights, cameras, 5 (almost 6!) nightshades, and an assortment of plaid shirts, fur hats, axes, wrenches and a sixer of labatts 50. Why?
Chrome, a San Fran based cycling gear company was holding a competition for the best hoser photo. And you know who rocks hoser gear harder than anyone I know? We do. Last winter I had a bad habit of wearing 3 different plaids at the same time. The prize was the Chrome Niko bag, and a Nikon D3000.
So we entered the "I'm a McKenzie you're a McKenzie" competition last week, and within 2 hours we had nearly caught up to the winning photo! We're over the moon excited to be able to shoot more footage on a professional quality camera and can't wait to show you the results. Thank you Chrome and Nikon!!!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
#EPIC #FAIL- Canada pulls out of Kyoto
Mr. Stephen Harper, might I remind you that Christmas is just around the corner, and you've been very naughty so just you wait you'll get a lump of... coal. Which is probably what you want, you dirty energy bastard.
To the rest of the world, like most governments, our current administration doesn't really represent us. They make tons of cash risking our future, then turn around and wonder why our generation is choosing to protest, riot, and occupy? But then again, if our generation and political leanings are so smart, then how are we letting them get away with this? Are we the ones who are epically failing?
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011
Toronto Street Fashion on Hiatus

We are going to miss all of the lovely fashion posts, street fashion shots and tips from Toronto Street Fashion, while they take a lil break. For the 1069th post they sent along some favorite fashion blogs to keep us all entertained. One, being this one!
"Also if you need ANY help with your fashion business – ANYTHING, contact the girls – they can help."
-Rachel, TSF
Read here to find out more awesome Toronto Fashion Blogs and people to get your fill while TSF is taking on the world!
Monday, December 5, 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
BBC News with the Deadly Nightshades:
(Too bad we don't have more pictures of them)

Saturday, November 19, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
Cranksgiving is Tomorrow!!!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Thanks to Snow White for editing this little video recap of the BFF in Toronto this year. So fun, as always.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Williamsburg Bridge Photos

Thursday, November 10, 2011
Horse Cycles
The frame building process is a collaboration of rider and builder. We do a complete rider intake including full body measurements, rider preferences and riding style. After making all design decisions materials for the build are ordered.
Each tube set is hand picked for the build process based on rider requirements and care is put into every detail.
Building the actual frame takes 1-2 weeks.
Paint is chosen and the frame is sprayed.
At this point components are chosen based on rider measurements and requirements, the bike is assembled, and off you go….
Also, Horse Cycle has just finished a collabortation with the ultrahip Ace Hotel. So now you can borrow one of these beauties while you're in town!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
This Saturday's Rad Party!
The About Face Collective and Fresh City present Greenhouse Gallery, a fundraiser for the Everything Roof
Saturday November 5th and Sunday November 6th, 11am - 6pm
Fresh City Greenhouse at Downsview Park
70 Canuck Avenue, Downsview Park, Toronto, ON M3K 2C5
We have collaborated with our urban farming friends at Fresh to turn their greenhouse at Downsview Park into a gallery for the weekend of November 5th and 6th. The event will feature outstanding local food, beer and wine, music and art. We will be showcasing original pieces for silent auction and prints for sale from a selection of renowned local artists. The adjacent greenhouse will be set up with workshops and kid-friendly activities offered throughout the weekend.
12-1 Isla Craig
2-4 Far from Rich
4-5 A Yellow Field:
2--3 Loom
3-4 Carnival Moon
4-5 The Holy Gasp:
Adrian Forrow, Alex Kurina, Childface Sausage, Claire Hall, Danielle Hession, Darlene Huynh, E V Mary Stephens, Emily Stoddart, Erica Brisson, Eunice Luk, Josh Raskin, Juliana Neufeld, Justin Broadbent, Justyna Werbel, Kathryn Macnaughton, Laura Mensinga, Lauren Pirie, Lisa Visser, Mahmood Popal, Mark Harris Sherman, Rodrigo Marti, Rose Broadbent, Sarah D'Angelo, Srdjan Segan, Talia Shipman, Tammy Yiu, Virgil Baruchel
jewelry by Kate Schwan:
hand-knit accessories from Muttonhead
WORKSHOPS (ongoing from 11 - 3 each day)
Nutrition Workshops from Eating Pretty and Back to Abundance
Seedbomb workshops
Foodshare Workshops
Suggested donation of $10 includes one complimentary beverage
Everything Roof is a community rooftop garden and learning space on top of the new Centre for Social Innovation, Annex location. The creative structural elements of the garden will be designed and built by local artists using recycled and reclaimed materials. In collaboration with the Centre for Social Innovation, Sketch Working Arts for Street Involved and Homeless Youth and Skate4Cancer, The About Face Collective will create a unique, inspiring, visually exciting platform to promote urban farming, nutrition, green lifestyles and integrated community engagement.
We were recently granted $75,000 from Live Green Toronto toward our capital costs and need to raise the remaining funds by December 31st.
Join us to support and find more info at
Fresh City is a social enterprise empowering people to farm organically in Toronto. Fresh City offers a year-round box service with home delivery featuring produce and products from our farmers and other local
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Despite being Canadian - I still rarely welcome snowstorms in late october. Somehow, despite the lovely weather we've been having here in New York, last saturday had a devilish mind of it's own, when snow mixed with pouring rain drenched the city. And consequently Bike Kill 8: Snowpocolypse was born in a Bedstuy parking lot.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Not Far From the Tree
Our walk and gathering looked a little something like this. Yes, we were barefoot in seafoam dresses.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

So one week ago I joined into the Nightshades bonanza going down in Brooklyn at the moment, where 5 of the 7 of us have been living large in Bushwick (or rather in an overcrowded apartment = neverending sleepover). Sadly we had to say goodbye to Namtron tonight, but next week we add Snow White to the ranks. Highlights so far include:
Monday, October 17, 2011

So in the vein of promoting amazing women on bikes, if you haven't heard of the Belle Starrs from Fort Collins, Colorado, you really should have. They are a group of women who came together to foster community, wellness, and empowerment through bicycling. Sounds about right. They do everything from group rides, to bike camping to being super rad. You better believe the next time we're in Colorado, there will be some serious lady crews happening.
They also just put out an awesome calender last month, and if you haven't picked up a copy.... you probably should. We're just sad they beat us to it. A DNS Calendar has been in talks for a while. Ha. But seriously. They're BABES!
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Back in August, we had the privilege of meeting the Solidago Riders, an awesome group of five women, in the middle of what I can only describe as an epic distance ride circling the Great Lakes. They were fundraising for youth led, non profit, Grand Aspirations - as well as filming a documentary en route. They were even travelling with a silk screen of the great lakes, and made us a rad print. We caught them mid route in Toronto, and got to show them a bit of our city, and hear about their travels. Now two months later, they've just arrived home to Saint Paul, Minnesota.
So, we just wanted to say a huge CONGRATS LADIES!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
On A Bicycle with Amy Walker

Now go buy it, read it, enjoy it and pass it on.
"Amy Walker has been at the forefront of this trend as cofounder of Momentum magazine, which chronicles and inspires urban bike culture and transportation cycling. In On Bicycles, she gathers a wide-ranging group of cycling writers to explore the ways that biking can change, and is changing, people’s lives. From utility bikes that are becoming the primary mode of transportation for entire families to the artistic creations of freakbike riders, On Bicycles has something for everyone who has ever ridden a bike.
Topics include:
* cargo bikes * bike parties * a history of bike advocacy
* the bike-craft boom * folding bikes * recumbents * biking with kids
* handmade bikes * car-free streets * relocalizing * bike style
* collective bike shops * women and bikes * and many more..."
Love, Love, Love....
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
"The conference theme, Cities in Motion, will spotlight communities that are enabling and encouraging people of all ages to choose cycling as a daily form of active transportation and recreation. We encourage all cities and regions around the world - small, medium, and large - to share how they are creating healthy, livable, inclusive, vibrant, green communities through cycling and enhancements to the built environment that are both supportive of and enabled by embracing cycling as an integral component of combined, sustainable and smart mobility"
Maybe you'll see DNS there presenting about the 3B's and how they encourage active and healthy transportation? (That would be bikes, booze and babes.)