
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Papergirl Photos

So here they are like I promised!

I went to this event Papergirl in Vancouver and it was fun. Although it was also an example to event planners: When you cover an event, make sure you answer "who, what, when, where, and why" in all your promotions, have have signage at the event. Nothing like showing up to an event and being disappointed you can't take the free art home.



I went with Rupert, a friend from England who was introduced to me by our beloved Danielle Meder who took off to England, where she met Rupert and for some reason told him it was a good idea to come to Canada. Thanks Daniel. Next time, try to keep the English in England! :p



Rupert wrote a funny thing about our experience here on his blog Solo Hobo. You should read it.



(Also FYI boys, a girl's heart melts a little when she's found a guy who'll secretly steal art from zee Germans for her.)


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